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Feeding the Beast

I've started making healthier decisions about what I eat and I have discovered one repercussion that I did not anticipate - emotional fallout.

Emotional eaters need to eat in order to stave off uncomfortable or unpleasant feelings, and if making healthier food choices means not eating as much then those feelings don't get suppressed. This is what I am going through at the moment and it is just more of a challenge than I anticipated.

We all have emotional scars. Some of us just deal with them by eating a football team's share at dinner. I most definitely love food and I eat way more than I should, especially when I'm feeling particularly down about myself. However, now that I'm reducing my food intake and choosing 100 calorie snacks over bags of M&Ms, I'm on unsteady ground.

I don't regret my decision to be healthier. It's just a lot harder some days to climb out of the emotional pit of despair I find myself in without a Sonic Double Cheeseburger and Dairy Queen Blizzard awaiting me at the end.

Maybe once I hit the endorphin rush at the gym that remains elusive I'll feel differently. Until then, I'll have to figure out some way to keep the beast at bay.

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