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You'd be so pretty if you were thin.

You have such a pretty face.

Your mother/brother/cousin is gorgeous - what happened to you?

As a writer, words are more than important to me - they are everything. So, you can probably imagine how serious I tend to take the words other people say. The image above shows just some of the words said to me in passing over the years by both family and people I called friends. Every now and then, I am still told some of the phrases I listed above.

Here's the thing: if I'm going to be successful on changing my life, I have to change more than just what I eat. I have to deal with 25 years of feelings that I stuffed in the pit of my stomach and tried to suffocate every time I ate a morsel of food. I have to actually unpack all the baggage of my life and sort through it. It's not going to be pretty, and what's worse is that I'm doing it without carbs.

Here's to walking through life without a cushion of sugar under my feet.

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