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Day 10 - The Energy Begins

I read a lot about the Whole30 challenge before I actually started it so I'd have some idea what to expect. For the most part, the information I read was fairly accurate. However, the one difference for me has been the energy factor. Several blog posts talked about how much energy the person had after the slump of the first few days. I felt no such thing until now - on Day 10.

It has been a little frustrating to be so tired, and it has definitely challenged my will to not cheat. I'm definitely a part of the I-Want-It-Now/Microwave/TV-Dinner Generation, so not being able to get an instant (and unhealthy) boost from sugar or bad carbs has been really hard. But, no one said the Whole30 was easy. In fact, a lot of people said it was really freaking tough.

But Day 10 has arrived and brought energy along with it, thank goodness! I'm also learning how to mix my foods and spice them up to be more delectable - another important factor for me. As an example of how I am making my Whole30 experience yummy, here is what I had for lunch today:

Not Your Ordinary Salad

  • iceberg lettuce

  • romaine lettuce

  • green cabbage

  • red cabbage

  • raw cauliflower

  • cherry tomatoes

  • diced ham

  • diced boiled egg

  • raisins

  • dressing made of olive oil & vinegar

It was filling, satisfying and delicious! I've discovered dressing up my salad is the way to go, and I'm going to keep doing it even after the Whole30 challenge ends.

Another great part of the Whole30 is that I've lost 13 pounds since I started the challenge. Since losing weight isn't really a big part of what the Whole30 Challenge is about, it's important to note I wasn't keeping track of my weight. I weighed before I started the Whole30 and then I weighed on Day 9 at my doctor's office as part of my visit. I was quite happy to see I'd lost weight and it motivated me even more.

So, the point today is this: you are an individual and your body isn't like anyone else's body - physically or otherwise. Sometimes, other people will have one experience and you will have an entirely different experience doing the same program. Don't let it get you down. Stick to it. Keep going. Be the rock star you were meant to be.

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