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How To Lose 30 lbs. in 2.5 Months!

How do you lose 30 lbs. in 2.5 months? Well, as I have been saying all along... one pound at a time! Regardless of how much weight you need to lose, here are some tips and tricks that might help you:

  • THINK BEFORE YOU EAT - Every time you take a bite of food, think about what you're eating. It's the same idea as chewing your food 20 times before you swallow - you have time to think and figure out if you're still hungry or not. Plus, if you think BEFORE you eat, you can ask yourself if you're really hungry or just eating mindlessly.

  • CHOOSE BETTER - Every time you get the urge to eat something sugary or carb-supercharged, try to choose something healthier and better for you. For example, instead of chocolate milk, mix up some Barlean's Chocolate Greens with Almond Milk - it's like a healthy YooHoo!

  • DRINK MORE WATER - This one is really hard for me because I am not a big water drinker. I never have been a big water drinker, and it is a struggle every time I raise the water bottle to my lips to take a swig. However, I do and I am and it does make a difference. Plus, water keeps you hydrated, flushes your system and can help curb cravings. If you're not sure how much water you should be drinking, visit this online calculator.

  • GET RID OF SODA NOW - I know it tastes good and gives you energy, but it also rots your teeth, spikes your blood sugar, may increase issues with blood pressure and really doesn't offer anything nutritionally valuable. If you just can't kick the habit, try diet - but even I don't do that because of the aspartame.

These four tips helped me, and I know they can help you too. Just remember, you didn't gain it overnight and you won't lose it overnight. One pound at a time, Botticelli fans. One pound at a time.

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